Do You Have Low Testosterone Levels? 5 Warning Signs to Watch Out For

Do You Have Low Testosterone Levels? 5 Warning Signs to Watch Out For


It is rare that we really appreciate the enormity of something’s impact until it is absent, which is definitely true with testosterone. Every day, testosterone controls your body in a variety of apparent and not-so-obvious ways, which becomes painfully visible when your levels fall. While these hormones are often referred to as male sex hormones, they are involved in much more.

Our team at Trulongevity knows how testosterone levels may impact a man’s health, regulating everything from sexual function to muscle mass. That is why we provide low testosterone treatment advice to our customers, reintroducing them to their former selves.

If you’re experiencing changes in your physical or mental health, here are five indicators that it may be caused by low testosterone.

1. Sexual well-being

Let’s begin with one of the most often voiced concerns about low testosterone – its impact on sexual health. Because testosterone controls this area of your health directly, low levels may have a significant effect, resulting in anything from erectile dysfunction to decreased desire. While the majority of men have occasional difficulties in these areas, which may have nothing to do with their physical health, chronic and nagging difficulties may be related to low Testosterone.

You are the expert on yourself, therefore if your life is going well with just normal amounts of stress but you are having sexual difficulties, please visit your health experts so they can check your testosterone levels.

2. Exhaustion

Life can get very hectic, particularly when jobs and families are involved, leaving you tired at the end of the day. However, it is generally nothing that a good night’s sleep cannot resolve. If, on the other hand, you’re experiencing a general lack of get-up-and-go while being well rested, it’s possible that your testosterone levels are to blame.

3. Less muscular mass, increased fat

Testosterone is critical for muscular growth, as well as the way you metabolize and retain fat. While it is quite normal to lose muscle mass as you age and become less active – and even to acquire a middle-aged paunch – these are also indications of low Testosterone. If you’re reasonably active yet struggling to retain muscle mass or burn fat, low Testosterone may be the reason.

4. Hair thinning

Males are no strangers to hair loss – in fact, by the age of 35, two-thirds of men suffer hair loss. However, if you’re losing hair at a younger age or despite a family history of follicularly endowed men, insufficient testosterone may be a factor.

5. Mood swings

Another difficult-to-define symptom of low Testosterone is a change in mood. If you’re becoming more depressed or angry, this may be a symptom of a hormone imbalance.

We decided to conclude with this last symptom because it exemplifies the difficulties in diagnosing testosterone issues. Each of the symptoms listed above may be attributed to a variety of medical and mental conditions unrelated to testosterone. However, if you are having more than one of these symptoms, it is worthwhile to come in and get your levels checked to rule out or confirm low Testosterone.

Final Thoughts

Testosterone function is critical for maintaining your masculinity. The surge of testosterone in your system throughout your delicate to prime years is unquestionably energizing. Although very rare, testosterone shortage will inevitably prevent you from performing the activities you used to like or will alter your appearance and feeling. However, with advancements in research and therapeutic techniques, you may regain your young vitality and continue to benefit from testosterone’s benefits. We would be delighted to assist you in achieving all of those goals at Trulongevity. Contact us today!

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